Financial Aid FAQs

在这里,你可以找到esball国际平台客户端经济援助的常见问题的答案. 请在下面的常见问题列表中选择您的学生类型. 如果你在这里找不到问题的答案,请 contact us.

New Students

To apply for need-based financial aid, you must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). We recommend you file electronically. 此表格也可在高中指导办公室获得. 一旦你的入学申请被审查,esball国际平台客户端将自动考虑你的成绩奖学金.

Yes. 通过提交FAFSA,学生有资格获得低息联邦直接学生贷款. Also, should your family's financial situation change, we can consider you for additional financial aid, provided we have a completed FAFSA on file.

是的,esball国际平台客户端提供基于成绩的奖学金,金额从2000美元到25000美元不等. 大多数是在考虑你的入学申请后自动授予的. Others require separate applications.

No. The only form required is the FAFSA.


在2023-2024学年,esball国际平台客户端(Clarkson college)的可计费费用(为美国学生支付的费用).S. citizens and permanent residents) are:

  • Tuition & Fees - $56,642
  • Housing (two persons)* - $10,698
  • Meals - $7,766
  • Undergraduate Total Fixed Costs** - $75,106

Note: This is for both the Fall and Spring Semesters

在2022-2023学年,esball国际平台客户端的可计费费用(为美国学生支付的费用).S. citizens and permanent residents) are: 

  • Tuition & Fees - $56,258
  • Housing (two persons)* - $9,240
  • Meals - $7,766
  • Undergraduate Total Fixed Costs** - $73,264

*Housing costs are based on a weighted average.  新生的住宿费通常略低于加权平均水平. For exact housing figures, please see Residence Life

**Total fixed costs apply to U.S. citizens and permanent residents. See costs and financial aid for international students.

Yes. esball国际平台客户端的学费、住宿费和伙食费通常每年增长4%到6%. 这将在下一学年的每年二月确定. Last year costs increased by 4.7 percent.

Please contact us at 1-800-527-6577! 我们将审查你的特殊情况,并决定是否可以做出任何调整.

Need-based grants (eligibility determined by the FAFSA), 择优奖学金(基于你的入学申请), student and parent loans, and work study are all forms of financial assistance.

esball国际平台客户端为男子和女子NCAA一级冰球提供体育奖学金. Clarkson also has 16 Division III teams. NCAA规定禁止向三级运动员颁发体育奖学金, 在颁发助学金和奖学金时,我们不能考虑体育人才.

如果你获得了外部奖学金,我们不会减少我们的奖学金/助学金, 除非你所有来源的奖学金总额超过esball国际平台客户端的学费.  ROTC奖学金不被指定为外部奖学金,esball国际平台客户端奖学金可能会根据食宿奖励进行调整.

For Clarkson Grants and other Clarkson need-based aid, 只要你的家庭状况没有发生重大变化, you may expect to received the same amount each year. 联邦和州补助金是基于法律法规的,并有可能发生变化. esball国际平台客户端奖学金最多可续期8个学期. 对于所有的援助,学生必须取得令人满意的学业进步. Some scholarships (i.e. Merit Scholarships) have higher GPA requirements.

第四章资金是指各种类型的联邦学生援助,包括联邦直接贷款, Pell Grants, SEOG, the Federal Direct PLUS Loan, and the Perkins Loan.

Yes, we request that you complete the form.  即使你现在不想利用联邦援助,你可能希望在未来.

Continuing Students

April 15th is the recommended filing date.

6月1日是被选中进行验证的人的推荐截止日期. However, 我们建议你们尽快提交所有必要的“To Do”验证文件, 因为在验证完成之前,不能为您准备经济援助计划. 如果您在4月15日之后提交了FAFSA,我们要求您在30天内提交所需的文件. 如果你没有在90天内或上课第一天之前提交文件, 我们会假设你对联邦或esball国际平台客户端助学金不再感兴趣.

所有需要的文件都列在myCU帐户的“To do”小部件中. Check this list of "To Dos" often. 如果您的“To do”指示您需要提交的表单,则会有一个到该表单的链接. All forms can be found on our forms site. 如果您有任何疑问或需要进一步澄清,请esball国际平台客户端 Student Achievement Services.

esball国际平台客户端理解一些家庭可能会有变化或特殊情况,在计算经济需求时应该考虑. 我们致力于考虑所有事实,并尽我们所能帮助家属. 如果你觉得你有一个特殊的情况或有一个家庭的变化,因为提交了FAFSA, please submit the Special Circumstance Appeal Form. 我们不能将消费者债务视为一种特殊情况,因为家庭做出不同的选择,导致不同数量的消费者债务.

虽然esball国际平台客户端的资金有限,但我们会考虑你的上诉. Please contact your Student Achievement Specialist.

鼓励各办公室在网站上公布学生就业机会 Handshake website. Jobs are filled quickly, so you need to be proactive. 其他可能没有在Handshake上列出的机会包括索迪斯(Sodexo), athletics and custodial services.

Students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Financial Aid 保留联邦,机构和(如果适用的话)纽约州援助(TAP)的资格. SAP for Financial Aid is different from academic standing. It is important for all students to review the policy. If you have questions, contact your Student Achievement Specialist.

第四章资金是指各种类型的联邦学生援助,包括联邦直接贷款, Pell Grants, SEOG, the Federal Direct PLUS Loan, and the Perkins Loan.

Yes, we request that you complete the form. 即使你现在不想利用联邦援助,你可能希望在未来. 

Student Authorization of Title IV Funds Form

Yes, work study earnings are taxable income. 如果你被要求提交美国国税局联邦纳税申报表,你需要申报你的工作学习收入.

CTA Block